
Do I retain copyright?

The copyright of photographs always and unconditionally remains the property of the photographer.

When does the competition close?

Entries close in August 19th, 2024 at 11:59pm AEST

Are there time restrictions on photographs?

We have no time restrictions on when an image was taken, we just can’t have seen it before in APA.

What if my images have been submitted into other competitions?

We accept imagery that has been submitted into other competitions or published through other channels, however we do not accept entries that have been submitted into APA in the past.

Does the content of the imagery need to be Australian?

No. Photos can be taken anywhere in the world, just as long as the photographs are made by a person residing within Australia or any person living outside of Australia with Australian citizenship or Australian permanent residency.

How do I supply my files?

Images should be in JPEG format. Do not watermark or put any identifying branding on the images. These will not be considered for judging.

How do I name my files?

We don’t require your files to be named a certain way. When you submit an entry, our system generates an associated file name. Photographer information, category and descriptive text can all be added along with the image in the entry process.

Can I get feedback on my entries?

Entrants who submit eight or more entries will be entitled to a Personalised Feedback Session. In these sessions, a member of the APA committee will provide personal feedback in a one-on-one online setting.

Does APA accept AI Imagery?

APA accepts AI Generated and/or Computational Imagery only in the Experimental Category. Where AI has been used, the entrant must indicate so in their image description and reference the process and/or generator used. Please note that as with all categories, it is the entrants responsibility to ensure no copyright has been breached and all image making practices are conducted ethically.

Your Rights

As always our main priority is to support photographers. Photographers will retain all and unconditional copyright to their imagery. We will only use the photographer’s imagery to promote Australian Photography Awards, Stories, Australian Photobook Awards or Photo Collective and to celebrate and feature the photographer’s work. Imagery is always credited and for features we will work with the photographers for selection. If a photographer doesn’t want us to use imagery we will happily comply.

Judging Process

Initial Judging

Once entries close, Photo Collective administration will consider all submissions through a scoring system. During scoring the panel is free to discuss anything that may aid in judging. For example this may include explaining an uncommon technique used or identifying subject matter. The highest scoring 50 submissions across each category will then be shortlisted for the next round of judging. In the event of multiple submissions being tied, the panel may re-score the submissions in the tie, and discuss the merits of each image to come to a final decision. Once they have selected the top 50 submissions across each category, they will manually review all entries to ensure nothing was overlooked. If they feel there are more than 50 submissions in any category which are serious contenders they will bring them in for the next round. All shortlisted entrants will then be contacted by email and a public announcement will be made via email, social channels and through our website.

Final Judging

Following initial judging, the external APA committee members will discuss and review each of the shortlisted submissions. The committee will have the opportunity to preview all submissions before judging commences. Each entry is then scored and deliberated over to determine the final outcome. In the event of multiple entries being tied, the judging committee will discuss the merits of each of the entries to come to a final decision.

Winners Announcements

The winning entry from each category will be announced at the APA Event at Bodriggy Brewpub and through our social media platforms, email database and website. The top 10 submissions from each category will also be published in the 2024 APA Annual.

Other judging considerations

Administrators and employees of Photo Collective are not allowed to enter Australian Photography Awards. Neither is the judging committee for Australian Photography Awards allowed to enter. We are committed to ensuring that all entrants are treated equally regardless of their background or notoriety. We ensure our committee is held to the highest standard of ethics and every submission is treated with the same amount of time and respect. When discussing the shortlist, if committee members know the image or creator, they will acknowledge this briefly before presenting their ideas and thoughts so that this can be taken into consideration.


Single entry cost is A$30
To enter Student, entrants complete a paid submission in any of the other categories. During the submission process, you can opt into the Student Award by selecting the check box. At this point entries will be automatically submitted to the Student Award alongside the chosen category at no additional cost. E.g. an image entered into the Portrait Category will cost AUD$28 and will also go into the Student Category at no additional cost.

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